
What our Clients Say

Building strong leaders is the backbone of our business. Clients of Cadence have seen amazing results and here's just a few of their experiences.

Leadership Development program participants
"Lewis was an amazing facilitator. The best I have come across. Kept me engaged the whole time."

"I found Lewis to be a great facilitator where all participants were included. A considered educator."

"Lewis had such an understanding of our business and he made all the content relevant to today and the future. His examples and ability to communicate were outstanding."
Leadership Development Program
"I could not recommend Lewis highly enough. The sessions were engaging, relevant to my skill set, yet challenging. I feel I have new-found confidence in my leadership skills and with Lewis' support have been able to implement a number of strategies to improve my team, workplace culture and performance."
Results of Redundancy and approaching retirement
Leadership Coaching (post redundancy and approaching retirement)
“It was a great privilege and pleasure to be part of the coaching sessions conducted by Lewis. I was at a big crossroads in my life – the coaching helped deliver clarity, direction and renewed energy for my personal and life tasks ahead. The coaching was fantastic, meaningful, impressive, mentally challenging, and I have no doubt it will make a difference and a change for the better in my life.”
Results of Redundancy and approaching retirement
Leadership Coaching (preparing for the job application process and interview)
“Lewis was always available to listen, rationalise, support, and offer advice and connections to assist me to move through a difficult time. Within two meetings I was able to dig within and really acknowledge the many skills I have taken for granted. From working with Lewis, I am a stronger, more resilient and confident person.”
Leadership Coaching Job Application
Workshop on organisational purpose
"Lewis facilitated a very thought provoking and inspiring "Why" workshop for our organisation. The conversation among the team lasted hours after the session finished! Lewis took the time to listen and plan the workshop to enable the best use of time and I would highly recommend his authentic and personable approach to team development, motivation and growth".
Services - Workshop organisational purpose
Strategy and Leadership Program
"Lewis challenged us when required, all the while coaching."

"Lewis has developed an amazing level of knowledge about us in a short period of time. His training was succinct, practical and incredibly valuable."

"Lewis was very professional, relatable and made the course relevant to our field of work. He was very approachable and made an effort to get to know us outside the classroom. Very impressed with his coaching style."
Full Potential Leadership
Reskilling Program participants
"Lewis has been a fantastic and patient facilitator throughout the program."

"I really enjoyed how Lewis bought his teachings back to the real world, and used real life scenarios when explaining things."

Unlock your full potential and thrive as a leader

Looking for leadership coaching, team leadership development or help with your organisation’s strategy or culture? Cadence Leadership Advisory has the skills, knowledge and experience to help you thrive as a leader.

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