Cadence Catch-up with Lewis #16
“For leaders comfortable with change, and a bit of chaos, it’s truly exciting times. But for others who feel they have limited control over the forces of change, it’s unpredictable and tenuous”.
“For leaders comfortable with change, and a bit of chaos, it’s truly exciting times. But for others who feel they have limited control over the forces of change, it’s unpredictable and tenuous”.
“Klopp reflected that he didn’t have the energy needed to maintain such a high-pressure role. That’s a leadership act in itself”.
“Elite balance speaks to our ability to be self-renewing, and to deal with life’s stresses without losing your sense of self”.
“Imposter Syndrome relates to a particular context you are in, and it can be fleeting, so it really isn’t a syndrome after all”.
“The last time I heard an airline make public pronouncements about ‘rebuilding trust’, I was watching the slapstick film ‘Vacation'”.
“As a narcissistic leader begins to believe more and more in themselves, they may start to ignore those close to them, creating a prism of isolation”.